Wil Schrander
When I was a child there was always a dog as a beloved member of our family. In my twenties I started to get interested to know more about dogs and did several courses to get more knowledge about dogs in general . About the same time I bought my first pedigree dog , a black and white American Cocker Spaniel. Short time later a buff American Cocker and soon after my first Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. I did my judging exams for these two breeds and that was the start of a lifelong hobby. I was kennel partner in a well known Cavalier Kennel in the Netherlands for quite a number of years. So I learned to know the breed very well. Also I was and still am very active in the Dutch Cavalier Club from the start in 1981.
In the meantime I did several judging exams and I am now a judge for Cocker-, American Cocker-, Springer-, Welsh Springer-,Field – , Sussex Spaniel and Wachtelhund. Tibetan Spaniel, Tibetan Terrier, Shih-Tzu, Lhasa Apso And King Charles Spaniel. And The Shiba.
I judged my breeds in a lot of European countries and especially The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel at a lot of Breed specialties also several times in the United Kingdom. I was breed editor of the first edition of World of Cavaliers and therefore had contact with many Cavalier people all over the world. I am very honoured with the invitation to judge the Breed Specialty and to cooperate with the Breed Seminar of my beloved breed.