Mark Wibier
I am born in a dog loving family, I am second generation breeder and exhibitor. My roots in this wonderful world of pedigree dogs are the Dutch Shepherd Dogs, We used to breed all varieties
successfully. and show our dogs in various countries in Europe. Several dogs of our breeding gained the Finnish title. A very special show for us was the World Winner 1998 in Helsinki, when
our dogs won the WW-titles in all the varieties. I am happy that several dogs of my breeding was the start and base of the breed in Finland back in the early nineties. After my marriage to my wife we continued her kennel of Old English Sheepdogs. Also with our OES we continued showing in Finland. Four of our OES became Finnish Champion. Since mid 90’s sighthounds are a unseparated part of our household too . At this moment we show our 3 males occasionally and successfully in various countries. I became my first approval to judging in 2007. At this moment I am approved to judge my to beloved groups I and X and several other breeds in group 2, 3, 5 and 9. My passion for the world of purebred dogs gave me the privilege to judge in 24 countries on 3 continents, including many highlight-shows and many beautiful dogs. Judging the White Swiss Shepherd Dogs and the Berger Pyrenees on their Specialty in the WDS-cluster is fore sure one of the most honor full assignments. I am looking forward with much joy to judging these two breeds I love and the privilege to judge around Europe on several Specialties. Apart from breeding, showing and judging I was active in several boards as show manager. Since 2022 I’m chairman of the judging committee of the Raad van Beheer, which is responsible for the continuing education of the Dutch judges.