Kjell Svensson
I have been a Golden Retriever breed enthusiast since the late 70s as an owner, breeder, exhibitor, club official and judge. I had my first Golden Retriever litter in 1986 with the prefix Seacrest. Due to working commitments I don’t breed now days. But you never know what will happen in the future if working commitment allows it. I´ve been judging Golden Retrievers at championship level since 2006 and before that at Open Show level since the beginning of the 90s. I have had the pleasure to judge Golden Retrievers in more than ten different countries including giving CCs in the United Kingdom and judging the National in Australia. I also judge all retriever breeds and some spaniel breeds at championship level. I´ve been working for Svenska Kennelklubben, the Swedish Kennel Club, for 15 years. First as Head of the Show, Trial and Education Department and now days as secretary of the Swedish Kennel Clubs General Committee. Before I was employed by the Swedish Kennel Club I hade many positions in different clubs. Among others as chairman of the Swedish Golden Retriever Club.