Bo Skalin
Since 1977 Bo Skalin has owned the Giant Schnauzers and since 1984 also the Miniature Schnauzers. On the beginning he was mainly interested and involved in the working trials and shows, but in 1985 the first litter was born under prefix Hassan Hill’s and during 20 years there were bred over 50 Champions Giant and Miniature Schnauzers, gained over 100 titles around the world. For the successful breeding the kennel was awarded by the special plaque from the Swedish Schnauzer-Pinscher Club and by the Hamilton plaque from the Swedish Kennel Club (SKK). Today together with his wife he is breeding Miniature Schnauzers, Rough Collies, Shetland Sheepdogs and Chihuahua under Skabona prefix.
In 1995 Bo got his judge’s license and was specialized on Schnauzers and Pinschers. Over the years of education and judging he finally was confirmed as the All-Breeds judge in Finland in 2011. He has been judging on the all continents at all level of shows including the European and World Dog shows. He is the member of the board of the Swedish Kennel Club and the President of the SKK Judges Committee.