Barbara Müller
Grown up with Newfoundlands and German Sheperds, dogs have been part of my life ever since. At the age of 8 years, I started to go to training classes with “my” first German Shepard and since then the Dog World became more and more important for me. The first English Cocker Spaniel arrived in my house in 1970 and 1973 I started breeding Spaniels, followed by Old English Sheepdogs and Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen under the “Pennylane” prefix. Many National and International Champions, European Winner and World Winners were bred, trained and also handled by me. In 1980 I was confirmed by the Swiss Kennelclub (SKG) as a judge and since 2012 I am approved to judge all FCI breeds. Since 2006 I am a member of the Swiss Kennel Club board and President of the Judges- and Show Commission. In 2010 I became a member of the FCI Europe Section Committee, and have been the vice-president for many years. From 2014 to 2019 I have been the President of the FCI Show Commission and in 2019 I became a member of the FCI General Committee. In most European Countries, Africa, Asia, Australia, South America, England and USA I have judged many times, this includes numerous National Specialties, European Winner- and several World Dog Shows.