Titles WDS
At World Dog Show 2025, four different titles are awarded: World Hope 2025, World Junior Winner 2025, World Winner 2025, and World Veteran Winner 2025. A dog can also be awarded the Finnish Champion title at the show.
Titles at World Dog Show
“World Hope 2025” title will be awarded to the best Minor Puppy dog and bitch and Puppy dog and bitch, provided that they have received the qualification “Very Promising 1″. The title “FCI World Hope“ will be awarded according to the FCI-CACIB distribution list.
“World Junior Winner 2025” title will be awarded to the CACIB-J winning dog and CACIB-J winning bitch in each FCI-recognized breed. FCI-recognized breeds not entitled to compete for CACIBs, the title will be awarded to the best dog and best bitch of the breed that has competed in Junior class and has been awarded with Excellent.
“World Winner 2025” title will be awarded to the CACIB-winning dog and CACIB-winning bitch in each FCI-recognized breed or, for FCI-recognized breeds not entitled to compete for CACIBs, the title will be awarded to the best dog and best bitch of the breed that has competed in Intermediate, Open, Working, or Champion class.
“World Veteran Winner 2025” title will be awarded to the CACIB-V winning dog and CACIB-V winning bitch in each FCI-recognized breed. FCI-recognized breeds not entitled to compete for CACIBs, the title will be awarded to the best dog and best bitch of the breed that has competed in Veteran class and has been awarded with Excellent.
Finnish Show Champion, awarding CAC at World Dog Show 2025
CAC is awarded before the CACIB competition, to the best dog that is entitled to receive CAC and has won its class with the quality grading Excellent. If the class winner already is a Finnish Champion, the next-placed dog in the class awarded with Excellent and entitled to receive CAC competes for CAC. If a dog older than 2 years receives a CAC that entitles for the Finnish Champion title at World Dog Show 2025, the dog becomes a champion even if it does not have the required trial result. A dog that is at least 2 years old and is missing only the trial result required for the Finnish Show Champion title can, as an exception, receive CAC at WDS 2025 and become a champion with this CAC. A dog that is at least 2 years old and champion of another country becomes a Finnish Champion with one CAC at World Dog Show 2025. A dog cannot receive a CAC if it is under 2 years old and already has two CACs from before.
Finnish Junior Show Champion, Junior CAC at World Dog Show 2025
Junior CAC is awarded to the best Junior Class dog awarded with Excellent in competition class. A dog that has already obtained show results required for the Finnish Junior Champion title cannot be awarded with Junior CAC. If the class winner already is a Finnish Junior Champion, the next-placed dog in the class awarded with Excellent and entitled to receive Junior CAC competes for Junior CAC. A Junior Champion of another country becomes a Finnish Junior Champion with one Junior CAC at World Dog Show 2025. The Finnish Junior Champion title is not subject to trial result requirements.
Finnish Veteran Show Champion, Veteran CAC at World Dog Show 2025
Veteran CAC is awarded to the best Veteran Class dog awarded with Excellent in competition class. A dog that already has obtained show results required for the Finnish Veteran Champion title cannot be awarded with Veteran CAC. If the class winner already is a Finnish Veteran Champion, the next-placed dog in the class awarded with Excellent and entitled to receive Veteran CAC competes for Veteran CAC. A Veteran Champion of other country becomes a Finnish Veteran Champion with one Veteran CAC at World Dog Show 2025. The Finnish Veteran Champion title is not subject to trial result requirements.
Information about classes at World Dog Show 2025 can be found below.
Rules and regulations
Information about rules and regulations followed at dog shows can be found below.
The show schedules for World Dog Show 2025 are published in 2025.